A Brand-led Culture.

Many of the world’s most successful organisations have developed a brand-led culture.
With a brand-led culture, the company brand becomes the central organising principle or central galvanising idea which influences all areas of the organisation.

The Questions

all organisations need to answer:

What makes our organisation uniquely us?

What are the things we want to be famous for?

Why do we do what we do?

Is everyone on board?

Developing a brand-led culture

requires 4 distinct phases:

your brand (and all its building blocks)
your brand (for internal and external audiences)
your brand (bring the brand to life in all that we do)
around your brand (over time)
your brand (and all its building blocks)
around your brand (over time)
your brand (bring the brand to life in all that we do)
your brand (for internal and external audiences)

There are many reasons to build a brand-led culture, but here’s three of the best:

Quality customers and talented staff
Talented staff want to stay and customers buy from you again because you deliver as promised
Less organisational friction, easier decision-making and smoother customer experiences
Quality customers and talented staff
Talented staff want to stay and customers buy from you again because you deliver as promised
Less organisational friction, easier decision-making and smoother customer experiences
Strong branded cultures
Have a clear vision and know which direction they are headed
Better performance with less friction
Appear stronger and less vulnerable to attack by competitors
Less likely to make dumb decisions
Strong branded cultures
Appear stronger and less vulnerable to attack by competitors
Have a clear vision and know which direction they are headed
Better performance with less friction
Less likely to make dumb decisions

Brand as the central

Once we have defined our brand it should be the guiding force for all decision-making, including:
• Business strategy and planning
Marketing strategy and customer experience
• Systems and operations
• People and culture